Features of Software

MFAT is an integrated business accounting Tool for all Manufacturers and Traders. With over 700+ installations (over 1K Users) in Gujarat. MFAT is one of the leading accounting software in GUJARAT.

Key Features:

  Email facility from GUI report to client,
  Save all GUI reports automatic in PDF format.
  Sales/Purchase data export in Excel, CSV format for eFiling of 201A-B-C/CST.
  VAT enabled software (customized set vat option on billwise/itemwise).
  Depreciation account effect automatic,
  Send SMS to client after generation of bill,
  Scheme wise sales with stock effect,
  Customized sales/purchase adjustment calculation,
  Party+Itemwise rate calculation by option.
  Made purchase entry automatic from sales (for Diamond business),
  Customized Sales/Purchase/Party report.
  Production module for product creation business, also maintain inventory for raw-material/finished goods stock,
  VAT Summary Register.


 Maintain Supplier, Buyer, Transporter, Bank City Master.
 Maintain transporter data like Name, LR No., Date in Sales.
 Supplier, Buyer wise Payment Voucher Generation.
 Full Adjustment & Part Adjustment in Payment Voucher.
 Maintain Goods Return (GR) with Stock & Amount.
 View Payment Details from Sales Module.
 Generate Report like (Sales Register, Outstanding Register, Buyer wise Ledger, Supplier wise Ledger).
 SMS facility incorporated.
 Send Multiple SMS from Sales Data.
 Multiple SMS template creation for sending SMS.


 City wise opening balance maintain.
 Daily Cash Booking Entry with Commision.
 Online City wise Stock Display Everywhere.
 City wise Status Checking for Outstanding.
 Booking Data Change Facility from City Status with Audit Facility.
 Commision Count by giving range.
 Commision transfer to Head Office.
 All City Balance Status & Commision Analysis with Audit Facility.
 User wise Rights Management to give access for Edit, Delete, Insert, Print.
 Super Password Maintain for Exclusive Operation.
 Label Printing with two formats.


 Maintain FD Monthly/Quarterly/Half-Yearly/Annually.
 Generate Interest List for Giving Period.
 Interest Reminder in Dashboard in Advance.
 Maintain Actual Interest And Bank Interest for Checking Difference in Interest.
 Financial Year wise Interest Statement Report.
 Send Email facility from report.
 Report export to many formats.


 Maintain Supplier/Buyer wise Party Master.
 Quality, City, Rate Setup Master.
 While Purchase Enter Payment Detail Option.
 Store Handicapped Detail in Sales.
 Sold-In-Transit Module for Sale & Delivery at 3rd Party Address.
 Payment-In-Transit for Payment above Transaction.  Payment, Receive Module for Maintain Cash Book.
 Stock Adjustment Module (Increase/Decrease).
 Date wise Stock Register.
 Party wise Ledger Report.
 Easy Selection Filters for Bill Printing Menu.
 Send Email facility from report.
 Report export to many formats.